Predicción de precios de exportación del aceite y la harina de pescado, utilizando series de tiempo para el periodo 2023.


  • Jossep Elgar Burga Farfán Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • Yenifer Elizabeth Aguirre Panta Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • Carlos Adrián Lecarnaqué Arévalo Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • Cristhian Nicolás Aldana Yarlequé Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.


ARIMA, time series, forecasting, programming, commodities


The dynamics of international commodity prices are relevant for the industrial sector and for the state itself, since price behavior will influence the sector's economic performance or activity. Fishmeal and fish oil price volatility is caused by factors such as supply and demand, weather conditions, production costs and changes in trade policies. Historical data on the export price of fish oil and fishmeal obtained from the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP) on a monthly basis are compiled to obtain a prediction model for each product for the period from January to December 2023. For this purpose, the Excel statistical software was used to sort and clean the data for processing in the RStudio programming language software, which consists of: plotting the time series for each variable and detecting whether stationarity is present, identifying the ARIMA model using the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions, examining the model with the help of the Ljung-Box test and finally running the forecast.


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How to Cite

Burga Farfán, J. E., Aguirre Panta, Y. E., Lecarnaqué Arévalo, C. A., & Aldana Yarlequé, C. N. (2024). Predicción de precios de exportación del aceite y la harina de pescado, utilizando series de tiempo para el periodo 2023. Revista De Investigación Científica De La UNF – Aypate, 2(1), 50–60. Retrieved from



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