Prototipo basado en transductor solar de bajo costo para el monitoreo de la irradiancia solar


  • Cristhian Nicolás Aldana Yarleque Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • Jorge Carlos Mogollón Rojas Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • Wilmer Moncada Sosa Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • José Luis Huayanay Villar Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Perú
  • César Ramos Ancajima Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • Jorge Arnold Palacios Garcia Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Piura, Perú.


Solar irradiance, Photovoltaic cell, Pyranometer, Bluetooth, Microcontroller


The main objective of the research is the design, construction and calibration of a low-cost prototype, based on a solar transducer, which allowed the monitoring of global solar irradiance in a certain geographic region of the city of Sullana. The prototype used two stages to collect data. 1) Detection stage, primary element of the measurement, a 65mm square polycrystalline photovoltaic cell was used; 2) Stage is the conversion of the analog signal to digital, a converter (ADC) was used. Information control is carried out by means of an ATM328P microcontroller; while the physical control of the devise is carried out using keypas. The data obtained is automatically saved to the internal memory og the device is carried ount using keypads. The data obtained is automatically saved to the internal memory of the device and simultaneously to a removable microSD card; The data is displayed on an OLED screen installed ford real-time monitoring. In addition, a Bluetooth module was incorporated for the transfer of respective data to a notebook, smartphone or PC.


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How to Cite

Aldana Yarleque, C. N., Mogollón Rojas, J. C., Moncada Sosa, W., Huayanay Villar, J. L., Ramos Ancajima, C., & Palacios Garcia, J. A. (2024). Prototipo basado en transductor solar de bajo costo para el monitoreo de la irradiancia solar. Revista De Investigación Científica De La UNF – Aypate, 2(3), 41–53. Retrieved from



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